Gentle Readers,
The Project From Hell has sucked up most of this gorgeous weekend so I plan to ruin your day too with this depressing tale. As you may well know, there is no such thing as justice (civil or criminal) in the US but this, my friends, is Dean Koontz meets the Twilight Zone.
Let's summarize: Cops mistakenly break down the door of a sleeping man, late at night, as part of drug raid. Turns out, the man wasn't named in the warrant, and wasn't a suspect. The man, frigthened for himself and his 18-month old daughter, fires at an intruder who jumps into his bedroom after the door's been kicked in. Turns out that the man, who is black, has killed the white son of the town's police chief. He's later convicted and sentenced to death by a white jury.
Sounds a lot like self-defense to me so I'm a little fuzzy on why charges were brought in the first place.
Whole pathetic thing over at The Agitator.
Just another victim of the War on the Bill of Rights, er, ah War on Drugs. For some inexplicable reason Americans are obsessed with stopping illicit drug use. Nobody has caught on that the cause is futile. We've long ago flushed our financial privacy, most of our rights, and untold billions of dollars all in the name of preventing people that are apparently bent on self-destruction from accomplishing their goal.
Here's a Heads Up: The plan ain't been working too well and frankly, my rights are more important than some junkie's collapsed veins. And that's not even getting to the question of whose body it is anyway. Is keeping my ex-neighbor off crank worth a dead cop or the life of the innocent victim waiting for execution?
Oh, there'll be emails.
As Ever,
tip of the glass to Jacob Sullum