Good Morning Gentle Readers:
This thing has been around the email circuit a dozen times or more over the years. It is supposed to illustrate the truism that guys are destined to take the romance out of any chick's evening.
TWC suggests that it offers an object lesson about how we perceive our world and the assumptions we tend to make about seemingly obvious situations.
Many of you Gentle Readers, especially those of the female persuasion, will click on the picture, nod to yourselves, smile and murmur a bit, perhaps chuckle, and without a second thought will casually assume that, once again, an unthinking throwback-of-a-guy has pretty much put the brakes on another romantic evening.
And you would be wrong. Take a good look at what's in the glasses and you'll understand who actually popped the romance balloon.
Warning: contains a somewhat blurry view of a bare backside (not explicit) and if you would rather not see something like that, please don't click on the picture.
Yes, my jaw dropped in horror as well my friends. Unseemly? Irresponsible? Immature? Sorry, there is simply no way to take anything about this romantic evening seriously.
If you are having trouble with this test please see hint number two below.
May you're St Vals Day turn out exactly as you hoped it would.
As Evoir, TWC
Tip of the glass to Rochelle and Randy
HINT # 2:
She expected him to drink PINK wine.
Good Heavens, it’s just not done, man.