Good Morning Gentle Readers,
We all know that Miles was at least half wrong in his assessment of Merlot and TWC exposed Miles' hypocrisy early on here.
Truth is there are terrible Merlots floating around out there and, worse, in some quarters, Merlot was once the code drink of the plastic people who considered themselves to be hip, cool, and trendy. Order a glass of Merlot and everyone knows just how cool you are. Then came Sideways and suddenly it's Pinot.
With Merlot's fall from grace came a precipitous dip in sales. To remedy that problem, Swanson Vineyards is working overtime at to polish up the flagging image of Merlot. Sure they have motive, Merlot is their game, but the efforts are to be applauded because, well, a well-crafted Merlot can be as complex and enjoyable as any fine California Cab.
As Ever,
tip of the glass to Courtney Cochran