Aloha Gentle Readers,
Got several emails asking when I'd do another wine review. I'm on vacation man, but here goes.
Despite coming with a fancy gold sticker on the bottle neck proclaiming that the wine had won three (or so) prestigious Gold Medals, Barefoot Cabernet is just barely okay (get it? Just Barely).
Being in Hawaii, I even tried it without shoes. No help. If you let it breath for a long time it gets more tolerable but mostly it's a cheap cab with that cloying sort of sweet taste that often gets passed off as cherries.
For the record, Barefoot Cab is better than Glen Ellen or Two Buck Chuck, but for the money, you'd do better with Mondavi's cheap non-denominational Cabernet. Buy it by the 1.5 liter bottle for $9-$14. (Sorry, I just can't call it a magnum).
Props for a great name and advertising stragedy though (Yes, I attended the Bugs Bunny phonics class).
As Ever,