Good Morning Gentle Readers,
The Kosmik Kid says Al Gore's favorite documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, won an Oscar the other night in the best Science Fiction category. Rimshot, he's here all week.
Meantime, KC Fox plows nine inches of Global Warming off his Ohio driveway and Patti says they're expecting in Utah as well. Eight inches of the frosty white stuff that is.
In Other News, Mr Gore doesn't exactly walk the walk he'd like the rest of us to walk. His palatial mansion consumes twenty times as much fossil fuel in a year as the average American home.
Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh—guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359.
Show of hands? How many remember way back in the Dark Ages of Disco, when we were threatened with, no, we were promised a coming ice age that would wipe us out?
We were also promised, like a hail of Biblical fire and brimstone, massive starvation and famine as the population bomb exploded, and yet our lives are better, with more material abundance and a cleaner planet than at any time in our collective lives.
Climate models often cannot replicate weather patterns that actually happened, which casts suspicion on the accuracy of any computerized vision of a hothouse future as seen through a crystal ball.
Computerized models of our climate have had a habit of "drifting" too warm or too cold. This because they still don't contain all of the temperature-stabilizing processes that exist in nature.
Yet now, with the fervor of a Pentecostal preacher at a tent revival, we are promised climate change so dramatic that it will alter everything there is about life as we know it, including the deaths of 4.5 billion people in the next five years.
Gentle Readers, TWC remains skeptical that the pretty people in Malibu are going to have to move up into the hills.
And finally, is GWB, who when asked if he would view Gore's masterpiece replied, doubt it, a closet Greenie?
As Ever,
tip of the glass to Brian Doherty, Ron Bailey, The Big, Big Slacker, Roy W. Spencer who is principal research scientist at the Global Hydrology and Climate Center of the National Space Science and Technology Center in Huntsville, Charley S, Jolly Waves, Col Hogan for the clarification of who won what, and someone else.