Good Morning Gentle Readers,
Although the revelry is largely confined to the Great American Southwest, Cinco de Mayo, like St Paddy's Day, is an American holiday that spontaneously evolved within the culture, irrespective of the fact that CONgress never officially legislated it into existence.
Despite the significance of Zaragosa's tequila inspired victory over the Frogs, south of the border, public school is in session and nobody but tanked Americans in places like Cabo celebrate the Fifth of May.
Bonus: A couple of years ago TWC had the opportunity to spend Cinco de Mayo with the godfather of free market economics and school choice.
That's Uncle Miltie and Cato's Andrew Coulson. Is that a GREAT shirt? Or what?

As intriguing as the idea was, jawboning with Milton Friedman was kinda out of the question. I felt intrusive enough just taking his picture. Besides, what the heck do you say to Milton Friedman?
Uhhh, Good Job, Dude. How's the wine?
Lot's of fringes to being hooked up with Mrs TWC, one of which was the Los Cabos tag along. And, the night before at Villa Penasco, where TWC had THREE gracious and well dressed waiters to himself.....
Oh, Señor TWC, you look like you need a leetle more wine. Eh?
......our friends Shikha and Arthur actually found something to say to the Nobel Laureate and I suspect it had to do with Arthur's long ago summer camp counselor, a brash young man named David Friedman. That's Mrs TWC to the right, sliced nearly in half, vertically.

Milton Friedman bio here.
As Ever.
Oh yeah, and it's also Linda R's birthday! Happy, Happy!