Gentle Readers,
Sunday is Ma's birthday and I have The House Blond and Mr Kewl sing a delightfully off key rendition of Happy Birthday. DL to the computer with the idea of doing a quick and dirty and then uploading to You Tube so Grandma can see it Sunday morning.
The fargin' program is MIA. It's gone. Vanished. Kaput. Defunct. Fled. Expired. Vamoosed. Extinct. Evaporated. Disapperated. Left town. Got the Hell Out of Dodge. Made like a Shepard and got the flock out of here. Sayonara Sucker.
I didn't delete it. Got no viruses, I'm running the biggest Trojan shield you've seen. Yet, it has vanished.
Better. You can't download the program unless you already have it and it doesn't work because your sound card sucks. Auuuuggghhh! What the hell is wrong with these people?
So, I could do it on the XP machine. Except, the XP machine isn't for crap when it comes to doing movies. Yep, you guessed Door Number One! It's a Media Center Machine will crash if you run Movie Maker and you will lose everything.
Up til it vanished in the middle of the night, like this blond chick named Kitten used to do (without so much as a kiss on the cheek)--and no, I called her by her real name which somehow escapes me now, the Vista 64 bit computer ran Movie Maker like a champ.
I'm going to bed.
I'm already gone........
As Ever,