Why is it illegal for Starbuck's to fork over free goodies to customers flashing an I Voted sticker?
- Obama will be the next president.
- The war in Iraq will continue. Come on, Pelosi promised us two years ago that if we just voted the Democrats in, we'd be out (in a New York minute). Yet, inexplicably, we are still there.
- California's Gay Marriage ban will lose (Prop 8).
- California's Hi Speed Train Robbery Initiative will pass.
- The economy will continue to falter but rather than imminent collapse we will see something like FDR meets Jimmy Carter's stagflation. We'll get lot's of the same medicine that made it sick to start with.
- The feds will continue to harass medical marijuana patients in states where it is legal. The multi-trillion dollar drug war will continue. No-knock raids by para-military police will become the standard rather than the exception.
- GWB's middle class tax cuts will vanish into the mist. Capital Gains and dividend tax rates will increase.
- President Obama will spend more than even GWB thought possible.
- In the long term, Social Security will become an entitlement program for the indigent. Like welfare for old people who are destitute.