TWC is not entirely convinced that the moon landing forty years ago had quite the same effect on the Boomers as did the Kennedy assassination. Just as everybody alive today clearly remembers exactly what we were doing on 09-11, every single one of us formerly long-haired, drug-crazed, hippie freaks can tell you exactly what we were doing when the news of the Kennedy assasination came.
That said, all the conspiracy nuts have crawled out of the walnut paneling today, waving and raving: We never went to the moon! It was just like that James Brolin movie. Franklin Harris wondered.....
Said all that to tell a story. Seems as though I remember a man-in-the-street interview back in the days of my misspent and exceptionally vagrant yoot. It was essentially a two character play. There was the sophisticated news guy and the ancient decrepit gray-haired woman with the cane.
NEWS GUY: (thrusts microphone into stranger's face): What do you think of the moon landing?
ANCIENT GRAY HAIRED WOMAN: I don't b'leeve it.
NEWS GUY: Why not?
ANCIENT GRAY HAIRED WOMAN: My TeeVee don't even get Atlanta. How's it gonna get da moon?
Then again, it may just be an ancient urban myth.
Better Bonus:
As Always,