Good Morning Gentle Readers:
The onslaught of hateful invective clouds the air like smog trapped by Los Angeles' famous inversion layer on a hot August afternoon. It stinks, but not like the stench emanating from places like Dachau, where real Nazis presided over the deaths and systematic starvation of Jews and other ethnic minorities who had been rounded up to be disposed of like so much vermin.
Next time you feel like screaming Nazi at somebody you disagree with, think about Emmons Miller and his trip to hell. Then click this link and take a look at what National Socialism actually stood for.
It has been reported that when the Americans liberated Dachau they summarily executed about sixty SS guards. Makes more sense than flying them half way around the world so's somebody could shove a garden hose up their nose in hopes of finding out where Der Führer might be hiding out.
We Report. You Decipher.
As Ever,
Photo credit: 42nd "Rainbow" Infantry Division : A Combat history of World War II, Lt. Hugh C. Daly, editor, 1946.
Tip of the glass to Autumn