Good Morning Gentle Readers,
So I punched the clock, stumbled to the black leather sofa, all the while wishin' I was snaffling up Italian food in LA with Mrs TWC and friends.....Shikah, Arthur, Melissa.....
It's a sad tale of woe when TWC is too tired to get at a wine glass. Well, that's not entirely true, I did. Finally. Get to the wine, but it took effort. Once I got to it, I got thru it. A half bottle in no time. Betty Ford is going to have to wait until after the 15th.
You can engrave this on my tombstone.
My buddy Wayne's headstone is engraved with a flourish:
Toldja I Was Sick.
This isn't Gary Moore's finest version. Inexplicably, they pulled that one from YouTube a coupla years ago. And I do love how he does it with Albert King. Actually, the studio version rocks too. You'll get my drift, though.
Can't see the video? Look here.
I'll take a little cheese with that whine. Thankee.
As Always,