Good Morning Gentle Readers,
TWC understands why people use a treadmill, he spent an hour on the treadmill this morning hisself. I'm thinkin' yours may be more hi-tech.
Though not oppressive, the heat was evident early. Hot and silent. No off-roaders, no shooters, no booming bass, nobody. Except for a few industrious water bugs and five or six straggler bees, none of the local wildlife disturbed the cool quiet of the creek bottom, which lies in the shade cast by sixty foot sycamores and spreading oaks that were already old a century ago
Over there in the light is mostly poison oak. Hot tip: don't go to the light. My dad is so allergic to poison oak that if he even looks at it he ends up doing a very believable impression of a third-degree burn victim
Best thing about my gym is that Blackie can use the treadmill right near the drinking fountain.