Good Morning Gentle Readers,
I want the bracelet. Not his bracelet set. Hers.
They don't call them peace officers anymore, but I like the idea of a peace officer on horseback. A visible presence that is easily seen above the crowd. This strikes moi as a safer and more effective police presence than walking the beat or kickin' it in a cruiser, a few blocks away.
It seemed as though these cops were an integral and non-threatening part of the street scene. You were confident that they weren't going to hassle you. It felt like they belonged here and that everyone was comfortable with their proximity. That goes a long way toward erasing the posturing (on both sides) that comes with the us v them line in the sand.
The Boy chuckled when he saw the photo and painted me a verbal picture that went something like this: Three weeks later the cop gallops up to our wrought iron gate on his very tired and dusty horse shouting something about it being illegal to take photographs of the police.
UPDATE: I planned to send this blog post over to NOPD with a note, but then I reconsidered. Sure would suck of there is a departmental policy which prohibits cute chicks from petting the horses. TWC would not want to cause that cop any unwarranted grief. Sure, just because *you're* not paranoid, doesn't mean they ain't out to get you.
BTW, the police officer is not looking at me, that is a Disney-esque, portrait-hanging-in-the haunted-house, trick of the lighting. Trust me. I looked at the original, full resolution photo. He's looking back over his shoulder after hearing a little commotion in that general direction.
Happy Mundane,
Photo Credit: TWC 01-21-12 © all rights reserved