Good Morning Gentle Readers,
California is desperate for cash and as the statute of limitations for tax year 2007 expires on April 15, a rash of demand letters is unleashed on the tax paying public demanding that self-employed taxpayers, who have filed a timely return, file a business tax return.
Many of these have no basis in fact and the tax agency could easily verify that John Q Taxpayer is a sole-proprietor, filed his return, and is not incorporated, not a partnership, and not an LLC.
Like flinging dung at the outhouse wall in hopes some may stick, the tax drones waste precious state resources, scaring the crap out of innocent people, wasting taxpayer's and accountant's time, without any regard for the fact that the three weeks from now until April 15 are the busiest time in the accounting world.
Yet another example of why California is circling the drain. Yes I used that same metaphor to describe Mayor Bloomberg's policy of starving the homeless in New York because donated food might have too much salt in it.
As Always,