The House Blond will be in the orchestra seats at the Nokia Theater in Los Angeles for tonight's American Idol finale. Actually, I think the show is well underway as we speak (4:00 PDT here in the Southland). Exactly how cool is this?(!) She'll be there with good friend Hailey and her dad, Ty, who scored the tickets after putting his name in a year ago.
As many long time readers know, American Idol has been a family tradition at the casa for years. It is Mrs TWC's favorite and even though the DVR is spinning, you'd best not disturb the continuity. IOW, better shaddup cuz mom's gonna beat ya if you don't.
Tonight the face off is between Sanchez and my favorite, Phillip. I love Jessica, but who the heck is choosing those hideous shoes for her? Is it that Tommy Hilfiger guy? Ain't no doubt Sanchez can belt it out, but Phillip has a very unique sound and style. Plus his dad was open-carrying last week. On camera. That's just cool.
Here's Phillip last week:
Text From Katie about 2:00 PM: Bacon Wrapped LA Street Hot Dog! Holla! Jealous?
The City of Los Angeles banned these things a while back.
As Always,
Tip of the glass and many thanks to Ty for sharing his good fortune. It will be an evening the girls will long remember.