Good Morning Gentle Readers,
I don't eat much ice cream, so I'm late to the party only to discover that the most awesome cherry vanilla ice cream on earth, has morphed into some Godforsaken imitation dairy desert. I told Mrs TWC there was something wrong with that ice cream, she thought me daft until she scooped herself up a coffee cup full of it. Yes, we eat ice cream out of coffee mugs, a tradition the missus brought with her to this family.
The old Breyers was as close to home made as one could get. The ingredients were simple. Cream, Milk, Sugar, Cherries. They even mocked fake ice cream. Now they've gone over to the dark side.
I figure if you're going to eat anything that will make you fat or isn't good for you, it ought to taste spectacular. Sorry, guys, I don't do Frozen Dairy Dessert with a laundry list of add-ons thrown into a frozen chemical soup. It's just a feeble attempt to replicate what can't be replicated. And what's the point of paying Breyer's prices for store brand quality?
Unilever, who also bought Ben & Jerrys, is the brain trust whose apparent business model is to buy a successful company and then dump most of the products that made them successful. Now that's a business model worth emulating.
In the end, though, if consumers didn't keep buying, Unilever, and their ilk, would stop doing crap like this.
OTOH, that's the beauty of the market. I can bequeath to you, Gentle Readers, all my share of Breyers, because I'm done.
As Always,