America is often portrayed as a one dimensional caricature, without historical context or cultural reference. The big bully, living on land stolen from the natives, oppressing people world wide, and sucking up all the of the world's resources. The truth is, of course, substantially more nuanced. Sure, we're a long way from perfect, but irrespective of America's flaws, there's no massive out-migration to better places.
Today we celebrate the birth of the only nation in the world that was explicitly founded on the notion that the nation-state should be subordinate to the individual. However imperfect the execution, we are not a theocracy, a kleptocracy, a mobacracy, a kingdom, a sheikdom, or a dictatorship. There's no barbed wire to keep us in, and TSA, NSA, the evolving police state, and the unending wars notwithstanding, we are still a relatively free and prosperous people. Particularly in the context of history.
Happy Fourth of July.
As Always,