Good Morning Gentle Readers,
Sure enough, you lost an hour last night. But look on the bright side, a couple people I know lost four or five hours that they're not getting back. And, at least you know where your undies are and how you got home.
As Daylight Savings Time becomes increasingly an exercise in the irrelevant, the government powers on. Heh. TWC had been waiting for weeks for a tinge of daylight at 6:00 AM. That day came recently, but this fully automated stroke of meddling instantly banishes the late winter sun to the 7:00 AM time slot. Practically speaking, that means The Boy will be driving The House Blond to school in the dark. I've whined previously, but our narrow rural road has become a makeshift commuter highway, and come Monday it will be filled with people running late who are navigating with one eye open and didn't get enough coffee. Throw the usual road rage suspects, the timid, the crawlers, and the pocket rockets into the mix and you've got a recipe for disaster. Which is one reason why Mrs TWC makes them text her the second they arrive at school.
There is ample evidence, both circumstantial and documented, that DST is futile. It creates massive disruption with no quantifiable benefit to anyone. Pushing it out this far, as the CONgress did a few years back, just compounds the misery. Time to take a lesson from Arizona and Hawaii and opt out.
As Ever,