Good Morning Gentle Readers,
TWC nearly drowned while bobbing for apples in old galvanized wash tubs. I wasn't worth a tinker's damn at it, neither. Looking back, I think it's because my mouth was too small to get a good bite on the apple before it squirted away. Yeah, I know, nobody has ever accused moi I having a small mouth. Apparently some kids did, but I don't think we ever bobbed for apples on strings.
Back in the days of my vagrant yoot, and I'm talking about early elementary school, moms who lived on my little dirt road in the desert made Halloween treats from scratch and they were awesome. We came home with real popcorn balls, hand crafted carmel apples, and bags of home made cookies, wrapped in wax paper and tied up with festive ribbons. All that faded away with the exponential growth of the suburbs in the 1960's. We were quite satisfied to lug home pillow cases filled with loot that looked like we'd broken into the Snack Shack at the Little League field and stolen it all.
I'm not big on this young people have no idea meme, but I'm gonna tell you, Gentle Reader, cannot believe how fabuloso those popcorn balls were. As for those perfectly spherical shiny red candy apples at the grocery store? I sampled one out of the kid's treat bag a few years ago. Spit it in the trash.
Happy Mundane.