Good Morning Gentle Readers,
My Renaissance Girl is a senior in high school and the mailbox is filled with glossy solicitations from colleges and universities across the country. I swear, those boys, spend enough on printing and mailing that they could give my kid a free ride for a semester. Plenty of that interest is due to the girl's 4.67 GPA. She don't like me to say so, but there's a thousand kids in her senior class and she, along with a handful of others, are at the pinnacle of achievement, academically.
That girl can run three miles faster than I can walk one. In addition to her scholar athlete and MVP award, she set a school record in the 800 last year.
That's us on 4th of July in Tubac Arizona.
And she can shoot.
And you can dress her up.
Sunset At the Red Sand Beach
Some years ago I titled a post commemorating The House Blond's birthday this way....
The House Blond Turns Eleven (Where's Her Birthday Hat At?)
Several grammar cops took me to task over it, which means they didn't even bother to read the post, or they would have gotten the context.
The day Katie was born was the first time The Boy and I shared a meal together. Once we settled into the booth he looked across the table at me and asked it it was Katie's birthday. I responded that it was, and he then said to me:
If it's Katie's birthday, where's her birthday hat at?
As Always