Good Morning Gentle Readers,
Back in the days of my vagrant yoot, the Parker Strip on the Colorado River was the destination of choice for Easter weekend. But when Easter came early, like it did this year, a man could, and actually did, freeze his patooties off. Sleepin' in the dirt at the edge of the river in March is not as comfy as it is in July. OK, I guess we didn't really sleep in the dirt, except a couple guys who drank too much. We had those hideous orange banana chairs and a sleeping bag.
This pic dates to about 1996 in Topock Gorge, which lies between the bridge where I-40 crosses the Colorado River and Lake Havasu. I don't have many photos from back then and I surely wish I did. That's Mrs TWC, barely visible in the shadows in the back seat.
This is Topock Gorge, late afternoon on a fall day in 2011.
Easter sermon is here.
As Always,