Good Morning Gentle Readers,
Javelina are native to the American Southwest, Mexico, and South America, including our neighborhood here in Madera Reserve. They are new world, whereas hogs and pigs are old world (and taste much better). They live in family groups of roughly ten to a dozen. You'll find them in the creek bottoms and washes and we see them frequently, especially at night.
I never worried about Beans and coyotes, but Javelina are a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Javelina aren't necessarily aggressive, but they won't take no crap from a territorial dog, even if he weighed in at a hunnert pounds. Especially so, if there are bebés around.
Once we moved to Casa del Desierto™ that dog put the entire street on notice that he might be new in town, but he was El Jefe. There were never any incidents, but I kept him on a short leash up top on our street. I'd let him off leash on the trails and creeks, but I carried a BEEG™ umbrella™ and a back-up umbrella™ when we used to hike down in the sandy, tree lined washes.
As Always,