Gentle Readers,
It's not like we live in some third world burg like Mogadishu, Queens, or St Louis so TWC was not happy that the juice was off at Casa de las Rocas Grande from early Saturday afternoon until well past midnight. Dude, it was miserable hot too. 112 with thunderstorms (lots of humidity but it still wasn't Memphis).
Flex Your Power and Negawatts don't work so hot when most of the Sierra Club is home with their Birkenstocks up on the sofa and the A/C dialed down to 78 (more like 72, truth be told) hoping that Hell's gonna freeze over. I'm down with that though. Especially since a nature frolick this weekend woulda been a literal hike on the Highway to Hell. That'd be okay with that guy in the white F-350 4X though. Had a sticker in the back window:
Just the weekend for it.
I'm pretty sure Californicate is part of the first world and I'm pretty sure that this is the 21'st Century. Absent a drunk driver taking out a power pole, utilities should be able to meet peak demand without resorting to recorded messages indicating that they're clueless as to the cause of the outage but we're workin' on it by gosh.
Col Hogan was mad too.
As Ever,