Good Morning Gentle Readers,
Starting at the end seems like a fine place to begin.
When the bucket list wilderness river adventure concluded, it was a 13 hour ride from Green River to home (659 miles). Even still, that looks like an average of almost 51 mph which included 3 power naps, 4-5 gas stops, 3-4 sanity stops, and 1 stop to check the trailer brakes. A perplexed look crossed The House Blond's face when I mentioned taking three naps. I reminded her that the truck has cruise control.
I can't recall the last time I put that many miles on the odometer in one day. These days, I can barely make the four hours to Cottonwood Cove without nodding off.
Got hosed by Whiskey Pete at Stateline*. $3.40 a gallon. Should have gotten gas outside of Lost Wages where I misread the exit number on the billboard and missed the exit. Other than that gas priced out between $2.35 and $2.59. Even in Californicate. Whiskey Pete's is where you can see the bullet riddled corpse of Bonnie and Clyde's 1934 Ford.
It turned out that the temps from St George to the casa were about 15-18 degrees cooler than the trip up. Coulda done without the blasted headwind, though. There were gutsy* winds all the way from Central Utah to home and it just go worse as the day wore on. That boat is brutishly heavy and lacks any semblance of aerodynamics. It's mostly like towing one of those limestone blocks pyramids were built with through deep, wet sand.
Didn't realize until going home that the 15 is pretty much a down grade from the 70 to Nevada. That was nice. Plus it was cool and it rained some in Central Utah.
Somewhere south of Beaver, Utah
*purposefully misspelled
Photo courtesy of Whiskey Pete's
Death car image courtesy of these guys.
*We locals informally refer to what is now called Primm Valley as Stateline, which is not to be confused with the other Stateline, Nevada that is adjacent to South Lake Tahoe.
As Always,