In Vino Veritas

  • TWC is the wine swilling mayor of Two Guns Arizona who was formerly a prolific wine blogger. Some of that remains and to get right to the wine reviews without further distraction, click The Wine Commonsewer Speaks. The rest of the enchilada is an eclectic mix of commentary on culture, food, tax, and econ 101.

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    TWC's Theme Song:

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TWC's Twelve Days Of Christmas Tuneography

Merry Christmas From The Family

Good Morning Gentle Readers,

I love Merry Christmas From The Family. Puts a smile on my face every time and it's pretty much my second favorite Christmas tune of all time. Not because I lived it, no. Most certainly I've run across most of the guys that Robert Earl writes about in differing contexts, but our family Christmases growing up were pretty sedate. No crowds. No parties. Nobody was off to the Stop N Go for a box of tampons or some Marlboro Lights. 

Merry xmas family keene
Keen never imagined the song would make it onto an album until he played it for his producer, Garry Velletri. This guy was laughing as hard as I was..... I said to him, we're not gonna use this are we? And he said, Oh, we’ve got to use it. It’s one of the best songs.

Robert Earl's momma wasn't nearly as impressed. She phoned Uncle Joe and told him that Robert Earl has written the most horrible song that you've ever heard.

Texas Monthly has a great piece about the tune. Here's a Hint From Snelloise™. As soon as the link opens, save it to Pocket. That will get around the partial paywall and you'll be able to read the entire article in Pocket. Note: This often works with paywalls, but not always. 

Montgomery Gentry also does a nice cover, which means that you get a Twofer Tuesday™ on Christmas Eve. 

As Always,


Photo Credit (unless otherwise noted): ©TWC, all rights reserved

December 02, 2012

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